
Catch up with latest news and events in and around Oakley, Bedfordshire

Oakley Average Speed Camera Data - November '21

View data from Oakley's speed cameras

Green Bin Collection - Dec '21

Borough Council will be making one more green bin collection this year. They are working Saturday…

Light up a Life 2021 & Give a Gift Appeal

The Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Charity team is running our annual light up a life appeal, in memory…

Vacancy at Stevington Almshouses

Job vacancy at Stevington Almshouses

Bedford Borough Consultations

Bedford Borough Council is undertaking two very important consultations - Corporate Plan…

Network Rail Works in Highfield Road

Network Rail will be installing cladding and mesh on the bridge between 25th October and 28th…

Fertility Services, Gluten-Free Food Prescribing and the Milton Keynes Pharmacy First minor ailment scheme

Bulky Waste Collection Update

It does not appear likely that the national shortage of HGV drivers is likely to improve…

Planning Application for Land off Station Road

Application 21/02394/MAO is an outline application (all matters reserved other than access) for the…

Stand Out Programme

The applications to our free, online, four-week long Stand Out programme are now open