
Catch up with latest news and events in and around Oakley, Bedfordshire

Making meaningful connections

EWR’s second non-statutory consultation opens today

Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) over Oakley

Cranfield University is proposing an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) development corridor extending…

Coronavirus Fraud Alert

Beware of coronavirus vaccination scams

Survey for victims of a crime

The Office of Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire (OPCC) is conducting a survey for…

Bin Collections Suspended on Monday Due to Snow

Collections have been suspended on Monday 25 January and these bins will be collected tomorrow. The…

Yarls Wood Update

From next week the Home Office will start to move in up to 200 asylum seeking men

Recycle Your Christmas Tree

After the Christmas celebrations are over and all the decorations are down, if you cannot plant your…

Avian Flu

As a result of Avian Flu incidents across the UK, if you keep poultry (including game birds or as…

Bottle Bank at Stevington Country Walk

Bedford Borough Council are trialing a bottle bank at Stevington Country Walk for three months

648 Local Businesses Have Received Business Support Grant

Bedford Borough Council has automatically issued over £964,000 in support grants to 648 local…