
Catch up with latest news and events in and around Oakley, Bedfordshire

Election Notices

Download notices for the forthcoming elections

Voter ID Requirements

From May 2023 Electors will be required to show an accepted form of photographic identification in…

PCC Survey

Bedfordshire PCC consults with residents about police budget for 2023/24 - Bedfordshire PC

November's OPC Meeting Postponed

The Council meeting scheduled for 1st November has been postponed until Tuesday 8th November

Oakley Village Hall - AGM 2022

Will take place in the Village Hall committee room on Tuesday 15th November 2022 At 7:30 pm

Notice of Vacancies

TWO vacancies have occurred in the parish of Oakley for councillors to serve on the parish council.

Be a volunteer

Avian Flu

Council encourages public to exercise caution over reported bird deaths

Concerns have been raised about a recent increase in birds dying in and around the River Great Ouse.

Her Majesty the Queen, Elizabeth II, Passes Away

Buckingham Palace has confirmed that Her Majesty the Queen, Elizabeth II, has passed away at…